A baby is the raw source of the 'modal insan' (Human Capital). In the PIPP (Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan 2006-2010), In chapter 5, it is mentioned that "Development of human capital is the determination for increasing the competitiveness and the productivity of the country" . So never ever shake a baby! But you can baby a shake.. hah.. hah.. hah. This video tells about never shake a baby thing...
- PIPP, some people make a joke on it, they change it to -"Pelan Ini Perempuan Punya". An escapism from Malaysian male teachers to let their female colleagues to do all the implementations. LOL
- Teachers who have not gone for their interview yet, should read and understand the PIPP.
Cikgu Farish: I posted this just for a relief from all of the stressful afternoon session matters. (Never ask me what...)